is an online matrimonial website networkstriving constantly to provide you with quality matrimonial services. This privacy statement is common to the customers of all network partnersof (viewthe footer section of this website to see the list of partner websites under the title ‘our matrimony services’). Since we are strongly committed to your right to privacy, we have drawn out a privacy statement with regard to the information we collect from you. To register on the website you are required to provide certain personal information. This information includes (but is not limited to) data that specifically identifies an individual, such as a user name, name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, religion, caste, gender, photos, employment details, income details, family background, family members, physical and health data etc.
Profile photo, age, height , first name and diocese of the highlighted profiles only.
Name,gender, diocese,religious community,physical status,date of birth , place of birth ,marital status,height,created by,about me, mother tongue, body type, complexion, physical status,education category, education details, occupation category,occupation details, annual income,working country and partner preference.
Name,gender, diocese,religious community,physical status,date of birth , place of birth ,marital status,height,created by,about me, mother tongue, body type, complexion, physical status,education category, education details, occupation category,occupation details, annual income,working country, partner preference, communication address, postcode,contact person1, contact person 1 phone number, contact person2 , contact person 2 phone number, Present Address, Father's Name,mother’s name,family share details, mother’s house name,father’s house name,father’s occupation and mother's occupation.
Our servers may also automatically collect information about your computer when you visit the website, including but not limited to the type of browser software and version you use, the operating system and platform you are running, the website that referred you to us, your IP or internet protocol address used to connect your computer to the Internet, average time spent on our site, pages viewed, information searched for, access times, "click stream data" and other relevant information about your online experience.
By using the, you agree to receive certain specific email from the website relating to your membership or any alerts of any activity on the site or those of content promotion on the site. If you have any complaints regarding this e-mail, you may contact us [email protected]. You hereby confirm that as on the date of your registration with the website, you have not registered yourselves on the Do Not Disturb (DND) subscriber list with any telecom operator / authority. In the event, you register yourselves as a Do Not Disturb (DND) subscriber; you hereby confirm that you do not have any objection to receiving messages (promotional or otherwise) from the website.
User understands that the institution does not guarantee any confidentiality with respect to his/her content (including any personal information) other than as specified in the Privacy Policy and Security Measures. All visitors to our site may browse the site, search the ads and view any articles or features our site offers without entering any personal information or paying money. As a paid member of this site, you have the privilege to contact ten of profiles in a single day.
1. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time based on your comments or as a result of a change of policy in our institution.
2. Please refer to FAQ section for further clarifications related to privacy and security.
If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please write to [email protected]